Fix you 歌詞。 Fix You 歌詞 Fix You ※

歌詞 fix you

👐 性的占星術• 该曲的创作还受到了英国摇滚乐队Elbow的歌曲《Grace Under Pressure》影响。 When you try your best, but you don't succeed 你是否盡了全力,卻一事無成 When you get what you want, but not what you need 你是否得到你想要、卻不是真正需要的 When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep 你是否疲憊不堪,但又無法好好睡一覺 Stuck in reverse 陷在泥淖之中 And the tears come streaming down your face 淚水不斷沿著臉龐落下 When you lose something you can't replace 你是否失去無比珍貴的事物 When you love someone, but it goes to waste 你付出的愛是否付之流水 Could it be worse? 検索対象: 検索 固定ページ• 我不知道,我真的不知道,但如果這個時候,有人能告訴我,總會有辦法的, I will try to fix you,那麼就會讓我再撐過一天,再撐過兩天的吧! And please follow our blogs for the latest and best Japanese JPOP music, songs, pops and ballads. 我們一點辦法也沒有,無論我們有多愛這個人,有時候愛是無法改變什麼的,有時候努力就是沒有回報的,那麼該怎麼辦? Tears stream down your face 泪如泉涌啊, And I 我复如此般。 Tears stream down on your face And I. 世间大悲处,亦作如是观? Lights will guide you home, 有光,会有光照亮你回去的路, And ignite your bones, 我会守望相助, And I will try to fix you, 给你温暖。

歌詞 fix you

⚐ 男性が女性に魅力を感じるもの•。 Fix You 原唱者:Coldplay 發行年:2005 When you try your best but you don't succeed 當你已經盡力,卻還是失敗的時候… When you get what you want but not what you need 當你努力得到了想要的東西,才發現你其實不需要它… When you feel so tired but you can't sleep 當你覺得很疲倦,卻無法休息的時候… Stuck in reverse 滿腦子想的都是不幸的事… When the tears come streaming down your face 當淚水在你臉上刻出一條小河… When you lose something you can't replace 當你失去無法取代的東西…… When you love someone but it goes to waste 你所愛的人,卻被送入垃圾場 Could it be worse? 填满你的心 泪水溃堤低洒满了你的脸 失去了无法挽回的所有 泪水溃堤低洒满了你的脸 你还有我 泪水溃堤低洒满了你的脸 我发誓使尽全力保护你 泪水溃堤低洒满了你的脸 你还有我 留一盏灯 指引你回家 点一道火光 燃起那希望 让我来. 882• Tears stream down your face 泪水如泉涌, When you lose something you cannot replace 只为失去那唯一的知己红颜; Tears stream down your face 泪如泉涌啊, And I 我亦如此般。

歌詞 fix you

🤘 世间大悲处,亦作如是观 Light will guide you home 会有光照亮你回去的路 And ignite your bones 我会守望相助 And I will try to fix you 给你温暖 And high up above or down below 人生起起伏伏 When you're too in love to let it go 用情若太深,终究成梦幻 If you never try, then you'll never know 可若不试,又怎会知 Just what you're worth 自己的璀璨 Light will guide you home 会有光照亮你回去的路 And ignite your bones 我会守望相助 And I will try to fix you 给你温暖 Tears stream down your face 泪水如泉涌 Wen you lose something you cannot replace 失去了无法挽回的所有 Tears stream down your face 泪如泉涌啊 And I. そして上または下の高さ あなたがそれを手放すにはあまりにも愛しているとき しかし、あなたがしようとしないなら、あなたは決して知らないでしょう あなただけの価値があるもの ライトが家を案内します そしてあなたの骨に火をつける と私はあなたを修正しようとします 涙があなたの顔を流れ落ちる 何かを失った場合、交換することはできません 涙があなたの顔を流れ落ちる そして私 涙があなたの顔を流れ落ちる 私は私の間違いから学ぶことを約束します 涙があなたの顔を流れ落ちる そして私 ライトが家を案内します そしてあなたの骨に火をつける と私はあなたを修正しようとします。 落ち込んでいる誰かを励ますときには最高な曲ですね。

歌詞 fix you

🖕 " 看完這一段,我突然想到Fix You這首歌, 立馬來一段Coldplay 2012在 Paris現場演出: 這首歌的療癒力量想必版上Coldplay樂迷都已經體會過它的力量了 今年四月的演唱會我在台下邊哭邊一起大合唱 QQ 嗚嗚嗚 再多言語也無法形容那種如同心靈被救贖的感動 我突然覺得,這首歌也可以當作 self-compassion 的一種詮釋 雖然這首歌當初寫的立場應該是兩人之間對話的概念 A唱給B 但如果身邊沒有能為自己唱出這首歌的人 或是如果沒有能提供這種溫暖的人 何不在心裡對自己唱這首歌?自己也可以成為自己的避風港 一種照顧內在小孩的概念 尤其最後幾句歌詞,若把這個「I」當作是與自我的對話,也是一種可能 下次遇到難過的事情,我應該會點這首歌給自己,好好照顧自己內心受傷的地方 Tears stream down on your face I promise you that I will learn from mistakes. Lights will guide you home 有光,会有光照亮你回去的路, And ignite your bones 我会守望相助, And I will try to fix you 给你温暖。 愛の占星術:愛の秘密• 這首歌太完美一直想到底''fix''要怎麼表達 才有"修補、安慰、撫慰傷痛"的意境 "撫平你的心"似乎差那麼一點感覺 所以我還是直譯"修理"的意思 把整組壞了了、破碎不堪的心,修理好. " 只為了得到美麗如妳的重視 Your skin, 妳的肌膚 Oh yeah your skin and bones, 妳的每一吋肌膚 Turn into something beautiful, 都幻化為美麗的生活點滴 And you know for you, 妳知道我願意為妳 I'd bleed myself dry for you, 我願意為了妳而犧牲自己 I'd bleed myself dry. に suu より• 時間 Wed May 31 00:14:44 2017 最近在讀一本心理學的科普書,裡面提到一個概念,叫做「Self-compassion」, 中文翻譯是「自我慈悲」 "compassion"在歐美的心理學是沒有佛教意義的 去宗教化 書裡面提到, "自我慈悲,就是像對待失敗的同事或朋友一樣,善待自己, 不責備、不批判,帶著同理心看待自己,並鼓勵自己記住,犯錯是正常的。 .全英原创音乐大奖官网 [引用日期2018-09-10]• Light will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you And high up above or down below When you're too in love to let it go If you never try, then you'll never know Just what you're worth Light will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you Tears stream down your face When you lose something you cannot replace Tears stream down your face And I. マッチですか? ラブサインの互換性• " 都有著金黃色的回憶 So then I took my turn, 我恣意的漫步遊走 Oh what a thing to have done, 是什麼樣的事情等待著實現呢? And it was all "Yellow. When you try your best but you don't succeed When you get what you want but not what you need When you feel so tired but you can't sleep Stuck in reverse When the tears come streaming down your face When you lose something you can't replace When you love someone but it goes to waste Could it be worse? 展开全部 Fix You 歌手: e69da5e6ba903231313335323631343130323136353331333366303163Coldplay When you try your best, but you don't succeed 倾尽全力仍一事无成 When you get what you want, but not what you need 小有斩获却心有不甘 When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep 身心俱疲啊辗转反 侧 Stuck in reverse 难道真的已陷入泥潭 When the tears come streaming down your face 泪水如泉涌 When you lose something you can't replace 只为失去那唯一的知己红颜 When you love someone, but it goes waste 落花有意而流水它无情 Could it be worse? に より• net Other Popular J-POP Songs: Lyrics Coldplay — FIX YOU 歌詞 Kindly like and share our content. 他本来想在歌中使用教堂风琴,但由于缺少器材,他使用了岳父留下一架大型电子琴进行创作。

歌詞 fix you

🙄 100• 有很多時後,我們會覺得已經做了所有我們能做的,試盡了所有辦法,努力過堅持過,但事情卻不順我們的意,即使德到了看似是我們想要的,但卻無法產生任何實質的改善,而在我們挫折不堪,身心俱憊時,卻又輾轉難眠,這簡直就是一場折磨,最糟的是,我們並不是沒努力過,而是試過以後知道自己是多麼的渺小,毫無能力改變事實,比如說毫無辦法讓死去的親人起死回生。

歌詞 fix you

😭 榜单信息 榜单 最高名次 英国流行音乐排行榜单曲榜 第四名 [17] 参考资料• 讓我瘋狂付出的原因為何? Cos you were all "Yellow," 只因為妳在我的心中永遠迷人脫俗 I drew a line, 我畫了一條線 I drew a line for you, 為妳畫出我倆唯一的界線 等著妳跨越 Oh what a thing to do, 使我想像幸福的動機為何? And it was all "Yellow. Coldplay Fix You When you try your best, but you don't succeed When you get what you want, but not what you need When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep Stuck in reverse And the tears come streaming down your face When you lose something you can't replace When you love someone, but it goes to waste Could it be worse Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones I will try to fix you High up above or down below When you're too in love to let it go But if you never try you'll never know Just what you're worth 更多更詳盡歌詞 在 Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones I will try to fix you Tears stream down your face When you lose something you cannot replace Tears stream down your face and I Tears stream down your face I promise you I will learn from my mistakes Tears stream down your face and I Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you And I will try to fix you. 填满你的心 不是过了火 就是太软弱 你爱的太深 所以你放了手 成全了他们 你就永远不会懂 你. 在那種自己什麼也做不了,什麼也改變不了的情況下,我們真的就像壞了的東西一樣,需要有人好好的修理我們,看看我們的傷,即使到最後依然無法改變什麼,但至少我會知道,我已經撐過了這一切,我會知道自己的價值及能耐,知道暴風雨過後一切都會平靜下來,再怎麼悲傷,總有好起來的一天,如果身處黑暗,前方沒有燈,或許只是時機未到,或許再走幾步,就會有人替我們指引方向,又或許再走幾步,我們能靠自己的力量找到出口。 When you try your best but you don't succeed When you get what you want but not what you need When you feel so tired but you can't sleep Stuck in reverse When the tears come streaming down your face 'Cause you lose something you can't replace When you love someone but it goes to waste What could be worse Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you But high up above or down below When you're too in love to let it show But if you never try you'll never know Just what you're worth Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you When tears stream down your face When you lose something that you cannot replace Oh and tears stream down your face And I Oh when tears stream down your face I promise you I'll learn from my mistakes When tears stream down your face And I Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you. メモ:感情的に正直で謙虚なコールドプレイの別の感動的な曲。

歌詞 fix you

🤫 Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you And high up above or down below When you're too in love to let it go If you never try, then you'll never know Just what you're worth Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you Tears stream down your face When you lose something you cannot replace Tears stream down your face And I. 都閃耀著一種金黃色 I came along, 我一路獨自走來 I wrote a song for you, 為你做了一首情歌 And all also the things you do, 因為你所作的每件事 And it was called "Yellow. 最近の投稿• 相信我給妳的付出有多真 I swam across, 我為妳穿越海洋 I jumped across for you, 為妳跨越山谷 Oh what a thing to do. 展开全部 Fix You(守望一生) When you try your best, but you don't succeed 倾 尽全 62616964757a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333332613663力仍一事无成, When you get what you want but not what you need 小有斩获却心有不甘; When you feel so tired but you can't sleep 身心俱疲啊辗转反侧, Stuck in reverse? 难道真的已陷入泥潭? And the tears come streaming down your face 泪水如泉涌, When you lose something you can't replace 只为失去那唯一的知己红颜; When you love someone but it goes to waste; 落花有意而流水它无情, Could it be worse? " 那是種金黃色的美好體驗 Your skin 妳的肌膚 Oh yeah, your skin and bones, 妳的每一吋肌膚 Turn into something beautiful, 都幻化為美麗的生活點滴 You know, you know I love you so, 妳明白我對妳的愛有多深 You know I love you so. 這首歌一開始是Coldplay的主唱Chris Martin在他岳父去世時寫的。 與你約定,我不會再重蹈覆轍 Tears stream down on your face 眼淚不斷沿著你臉龐落下 And I. クリス・マーティンは金星を牡羊座に持ち、金星は海王星の三位一体です。